Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Up way to early...

I have a 7:30 call time this morning for billiards at a local casino and I didn't get enough sleep, my other half snores like a lumber jack and woke me up so I slept a little bit on the couch but not enough.

I have indigestion for eating a whole small sausage and hot pepper pizza last night with 3 glass of wine and 2 cigerattes, seem be having a little trouble getting my mind and stomach to agree on a weight loss program.

The world of retail SUCKS!!! I hate when non english speaking customers talk in front of you in their native tounge and I have to just stand there and wait for them, several thousand dollar sale with no commission is not worth it to me. But, thanks thanks to weak dollar people are coming over spending money and shipping product home, its cheaper for them to fly here buy it and take it home then get it at home. I guess that is one way to stimulate the economy.

Thinking of buying a running MGB to have fun with while I finish the one in the garage. What are the chances I work on the one I have if I have one to drive? Would prefer to get a GT so I would have 2 different B's but there don't seem to be many around right now. Then I would a colder/ rainy day B as well in the end. But ultimately I think I am just trying to spend money to fill a hole, I know it won't work in the long term but it feels good in the short term.

I have to get ready to go, more later, maybe.

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