Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day

I am sitting outside watching a vat of boiling oil cook out Thanksgiving Day turkey, ain't wireless grand.

I have made it the gym a couple of times this week, feeling good about that. Got 3 days with Showtime to finish out the month, a strong finish. The retail job is a nightmare right now, and it has nothing to do with shoppers, 2 co-workers have HUGE drama going on right now and it is boiling over on to the rest of the staff. I did get my bike on order and should be here before Christmas.

I am going to work on the car over the next couple of days, I don't have to work again until Monday, yeah baby!!!

We went for a family bike ride on the local rail trail this morning, my daughter did AWESOME! I am so proud of her, maybe next year we will hit the MTB trails in the valley.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A quick blurb

So, I made it through most of yesterday by the new rules. However I went out to dinner tonight for my birthday and ate way to much, I have a soft spot for sushi rolls and hibachi, plenty of left overs for lunch this week. Plan is to go the gym in the AM and forget about it, well not completely hopefully I will remember next time we go out to eat to order small amounts.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Start of Another Year

Today is my birthday, I am 35 years old, 40 pounds over weight, in debt (not quite an unmanagable amount), I don't give myself enough time with my family and to do the things I enjoy.
As of Monday, I am working this weekend and well it is the weekend,
1-I will be going to the gym in the AM or riding a bike, if I need something from the grocery store I will walk not drive down.
2-I will send more time playing with my daughter and less time in front of this computer
3-I will make more dinners to take some of the burden off my wife
4-I will try and pull her away from the TV to spend more doing other things that bring us together and require actual interaction.
5-I will spend time in the garage working on the car, it is amazing what can be done in an hour if you work at it.
6-I will work less for more money, easier said then done but possible
7-I will work down my debt until it is mostly gone, 1/1/09 seems like a good goal.
8-I will bring lunch with me to work and intelligent snacks when I am working away from home
9-I will try and read for a half an hour before bed several nights a week
10-I will try and say what is my mind more, if you don't like to bad! Only the truth hurts and keeping it in is killing me!

That being said I need to shower, get some breakfast and wander around AC for a few hours before call time.

I should get a new digital camera so I can pictures to this blog, they would add so much (they worth a thousand words).

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ups and downs

Up early this morning to try and go to the gym but lost motivation before my feet hit the floor, so here I am drinking coffee and typing instead of lifting and raising my heart rate. I think I am going to pass the MG's I looked at over the weekend and stick with what I have in the garage. I will use some of the money I was going to put towards one of them and buy some tools and parts to fix the "canvas".

I am still going to plunk down for a new mt. bike this week, I have to ride more-it makes me happy. Also replacing the TV very soon, I can't take the noise when you turn this one on anymore. Will also throw down for an HD-DVD player and HD cable, then I will really never get any work done around the house.

The retail job is going okay, had a good day at the warehouse last week and the TV work keeps coming in, if I could just stop spending faster then I make it. Going down to Atlantic City on Thursday to cover HBO boxing, another good pay day. I have been able to save some money by being pissed at Statbucks and not going there anymore, crappy service and out of M&M cookies to often. Maybe I am finally growing up, doubt it. I have to get rid on stuff on eBay and Craigslist weekend while I am chillin' in my hotel in AC, there is to much crap in this house.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Start of a new day

Well I made to the gym this morning for the first time in awhile, felt good to get the heart rate up and the blood moving. Been busy work the last week and a half, did the billiards at the casino and then the NYC Marathon (3 days of work). Next TV gig is next weekend, boxing in AC and then nothing until the end of Dec. Have to try and get some stuff going if I want to leave retail. Need to order a ski jacket and pants and 2 bikes before I head out.

The goal is to be working 10 days a month by 01/09 and doing fun stuff the rest of the month, if she wants a house husband I need a year to get all my ducks in a row. Then I spend with my daughter, building my car, working on the house, riding my bike and just living life. So 08 will be a long year but in the end it should be worth it.